The better decisions group (bdg) is an internationally active business intelligence consultancy based in Germany and the UK. As a long-standing partner of leading software providers such as Board, Jedox and SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), we deliver customised solutions and best practice approaches for planning, reporting and analytics.

Our experience of over 15 years in the field of BI / Corporate Performance Management is reflected in numerous successful projects. Our focus is on the business lines Finance & Controlling, Marketing & Sales, Human Resources and Procurement as well as on the Retail, Energy and Manufacturing sectors.

Together with our partners, we concentrate on individually tailored solutions that perfectly fulfil even diverse and complex customer requirements.

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bdg: Career and Team

Game Changing

better decisions group GmbH | BB Whitepaper HR Board

Integrated Workforce Planning in Board

Laborious data preparation, lengthy reconciliation processes and unreliable FTE and cost forecasts – HR planning is a real burden for many HR teams. In our whitepaper, find out how bdg ONE | People supports you in fully integrating operational and finance-based HR processes.


Do you want to drive digitalisation forward? Always have your finger on the pulse? Celebrate success with customers? Great, because we do too.

Available in 5 locations 

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