… in IT & Telecommunications

IT & Telecommunications

You would think that IT and telecommunication companies should be highly digitalised after all … Yes and no!

Because the industry was a pioneer in digitalisation, it was one of the first to automate processes, but that was also a few decades ago. 

Jedox dynamic Churn reporting bdg Energy Suite

Consolidation in the market = SILOS in the company

Do you remember how many mobile phone providers you had to choose between 10 years ago? The formerly countless providers melted down to just a handful within a few years – that’s how strong the consolidation on the IT & telecommunications market was. 

But: every merger and every takeover also brought the software and system landscapes of the companies together. Hardly any other industry suffers so much from data silos, i.e. individual divisions use their own database and data processing systems that are neither integrated nor networked centrally.

Aggregation & Integration

A coherent business intelligence system landscape will finally centralise decision-making. All master data of all organisational units are mapped in a single system and, for example, transferred to a completed P&L.

Data transparency and data validity reach maximum levels with a bdg solution. 

But system integration does not only work vertically. Do you also integrate horizontally along the departments with bdg, a personnel planning that is simultaneously written into the financial planning? It’s possible! More about this here.

PlanNIng & Forecasting

Once all the data is centrally available, nothing stands in the way of planning. With an EPM (Enterprise Performance Management) solution, you bring planning, forecasting and simulation into play. To do this, you put the collected data into a historical context – as the basis for your planning into the future.

Forecast demand for your sales controlling, plan customer retention activities along the customer lifecycle and standardise reporting company-wide. This is a decisive advantage, especially in the IT and telecommunications sectors.

With Professional Customer Access Management, bdg supports you in the implementation of your customised planning solution.


Would you like to learn more? In our success stories we describe concrete projects from our practice. You may recognise your company in one or the other of the initial situations – and learn right away what a solution could look like! 

Alternatively: Send us a contact request, we will call you and report first-hand.

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Corporate Planning

  • Strategic and operational planning
  • OPEX and CAPEX-planning
  • Integration of sub-plans such as generation, grids, distribution, …
  • Integrated financial planning (PnL etc.)
  • Scenario calculations: “What if” simulations
  • Driver-based planning / Value Driver Trees for generation, grids and distribution

Performance Optimization

  • Intelligent, individual help on data-heavy processes
  • Project calculations, offers, budget etc.
  • Elimination of all media breaks, no formatting etc.
  • Customer segmentation according to customer value
  • Derivation and tracking of preventive measures
  • Improving the customer relationship by tracking customer behaviour


  • Existing customers & new customer planning
  • Forecasts for BK and NK quantities
  • Calculation and simulation of bill of exchange quantities based on the bill of exchange rate
  • Analysis and planning of the distribution channels
  • Sales efficiency and partner management
  • Sales positioning and growth opportunities

Controlling and Reporting

  • Investment controlling and planning
  • Network controlling and planning
  • Liquidity management
  • Finance controlling
  • Management reporting / dashboards
  • Group consolidation incl. Cash flow statement
  • Group controlling up to subsidiary level
  • Monthly reporting incl. comments and action management

Reporting and Dashboarding

  • KPIs for controlling department, middle management and board of directors
  • Visualisation of the most important key figures
  • Quantitative key figures
  • Qualitative key figures, e.g. customer satisfaction, demographic data, distribution
  • Reduction of the administrative burden

Data integration and upstream systems

  • Standard interfaces to all common ERP systems such as SAP and Microsoft Dynamics
  • Further interfaces to CRM and billing systems (e.g. SAP IS-U)
  • Integration options for other upstream systems such as SOPTIM, Robotron and others
  • Easy import from Microsoft Excel® and Microsoft Access®


In a live demo, we will show you bdg’s solution in a quick virtual meeting. We will be happy to discuss your specific requirements in advance.

What to expect in the live demo:

  • Insights into the architecture of a BI & EPM solution
  • How bdg customises a BI / EPM solution
  • Features that bdg has developed specifically for your industry
  • What a project with bdg will typically look like

Simply fill out the form and choose an available timeslot. You will receive a meeting-link by e-mail.

better decisions group GmbH | Ausfullanleitung EN e1715673452847

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