with Siemens Energy

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“Jedox refines Excel, big refines Jedox” – Siemens Energy and bdg digitise engineering processes in Jedox

The EOS Group’s financial accounting department was working with a process that was characterised by numerous sub-steps and manual input in various systems, some of which were outdated.

Data on the debt purchase portfolios in Jedox had to be manually transferred to an Excel environment and validated there. Subsequently, booking records were created manually in an Access database. This ageing Access application was prone to errors and was to be replaced. With the international growth of the group, the enormous effort that had to be invested in manual processes and validations for each individual company also increased – for each monthly statement. This was another reason why there was a great need to enable an automated transfer of data from the debt purchase portfolios into the group’s own ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system in Oracle in conformity with the accounting records.

In cooperation with bdg we have shown: Engineering processes can also be digitalised with Jedox and the vast know- how of employees who have been working for many years can be captured and mapped in data form. In addition, Jedox can be fed as a ‘learning system’ with data from completed projects. The database, and thus the software, is improving as we go along, increasing not only workflow transparency and data usability, but also data quality.


The first defined project goal was the creation of a pro- totype for the electrical engineering trade: bdg specifi- cally used the standard functions of the Jedox suite to be able to realise the needs and individual calculation logics of Siemens Energy.

In order to achieve this goal, the engineers’ many years of experience were to be integrated for the various trades. The Excel data sheets used so far were to be re- placed by an automated Jedox solution with the same functions in order to reduce the time spent by the staff, increase the quality of information and integrate the collaborative processes in a technical platform.

This also meant reducing the number of interfaces and thus sources of errors and improving communication and information exchange. In addition, Jedox as a cen- tral data platform should contribute to a reduction in isolated applications.

Competitive offer calculation and supplier selection form the basis for economically successful projects. The planned optimisation and digitalisation of these business processes thus represents a significant com- ponent of the value chain. The project is emblematic of an important and value-adding contribution of digitisa- tion projects in the BI environment. Flexibility and integ- rity in particular are important properties of the Jedox BI/CPM suite and thus the basic prerequisites for being able to map individual and complex processes in a da- ta-driven platform.

Read the whole story now

And find out all about the highlights:

  • Agile development of a modular hard- ware cost calculation in the quotation process

  • Establishment of process digitalisation and automation in the preparation of quotation projects

  • Significant time savings through data- base-supported cost calculation

  • Mapping of individual calculation log- ics down to the material level

  • Realisation of a “Data Driven Calcula- tion” through the use of historical data from completed power plant configu- rations

  • Workflow and reporting functions increase transparency as well as infor- mation quality and security

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About Siemens Energy

The EOS Group is an international financial services company. Its business focus is claims management, whereby in addition to the classic debt collection business it also handles the entire process of evaluating, purchasing and managing claims portfolios. Today, more than 60 operating branches with locations in 26 countries are united under the umbrella of a holding company. The EOS Group, headquartered in Hamburg, belongs to the Otto Group and is considered one of the largest debt collection providers in Germany.

IndustryRegionApplicationNumber of users
Energy, ManufacturingMunich, GermanyEngineering in the area of Gas and Power, Generation Solutions30 (planned 100)


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