Intelligent inventory optimisation with Board 

with Sainsbury

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British big 4 supermarket chain benefits from better data insights and tremendous time savings

The higher a retailer’s inventory and sales, the higher the overhead costs. For one of the largest supermarket chains in the UK, precise inventory planning is therefore particularly important in order to minimize inventory costs and avoid markdowns. Due to the various systems in use, Sainsbury’s inventory data was inconsistent, and one version of the truth did not exist. Manually preparing Excel spreadsheets was not only time-consuming, but also frequently led to errors. Inventory numbers in the replenishment order system were therefore often inaccurate, resulting in an increased workload and delivery delays. Board was introduced as a stock replenishment system (SRS) in the non-food sector in order to solve these issues. In the first project phase, which was led by Board itself, the tool was fi rst introduced to the general merchandise division. In this phase, bdg supported Board in exporting data. In phase 2, carried out solely by bdg, the inventory management in the clothing division was switched to Board.


In contrast to most cases and due to the extreme level of detail of the planned stock replenishment system, this BI project was aimed at providing a solution primarily on the operational level. Based on Board data, automatic reports were to be generated along with triggers for concrete actions in inventory management, such as sending goods from the warehouse centre to a supermarket branch. For this purpose, Board would be used to create a consistent database from the various pre-systems and to automate inventory optimization in the clothing division. Additional project goals included automatic stock replenishment analyses and improving the overall data transparency.

Read the whole story now

And find out all about the highlights:

  • Board solution for UK supermarket chain

  • Diminished workload due to automated reports

  • Inventory management errors greatly reduced

  • Appealing visualisations rather than confusing tables

  • Effective management of store replenishment and inventories across the UK

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About Sainsbury

Sainsbury operates more than 600 supermarkets in the UK with a total of three product areas: food and non-food, which is divided into general merchandise and clothing. The clothing division alone has hundreds of thousands of SKUs, making inventory management extremely complex. Effi ciently managing the flow of goods therefore requires a highly fl exible and reliable processes and software. With Board and bdg, Sainsbury found the ideal solution to optimise inventory management.

IndustryRegionApplicationNumber of users
RetailLondon, United KingdomStock Replenishment Solution50


better decisions group GmbH | Beitragsbild Success Story Sainsbury 1

Intelligent inventory optimisation with Board

The clothing division alone has hundreds of thousands of SKUs, making inventory management extremely complex. Efficiently managing the flow of goods therefore requires a highly flexible and reliable processes and software. With Board and bdg, Sainsbury found the ideal solution to optimise inventory management.

Betragsbild Success Story NBrown

Fully integrated Merchandise Planning and BI at N Brown

Effective planning is essential for business success. This is especially true in the fashion industry, where speed of response and adaptability to ever-changing consumer trends are now essential. In addition to market realities, N Brown’s transformation from catalogue sales to an integrated omnichannel model brought with it new requirements for planning purchasing and sales. The previously Excel-based planning was therefore to be replaced by a fast, agile and fully integrated solution. The existing complex and labour-intensive planning process could only be merged at company level in a cumbersome and imprecise way.

Beitragsbild Success Story Zalando Jedox

Zalando Category Planning

The classic Excel-based planning process for merchandise planning reached its limits with the constant growth of Zalando, Europe’s largest online platform for fashion. Too time-consuming, error-prone and not very homogeneous: Merchandise planning was no longer in line with the dynamic business environment and was in danger of completely losing sight of important key factors in an overly sluggish planning process.
Zalando relied on bdg to implement a complex solution in Jedox for merchandise planning.
The result: the planning time and effort were radically reduced and the quality of the planning was significantly increased.

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