BI for Human Resources

Employees are the most valuable resource for most companies today – and at the same time often the biggest cost factor. The precise deployment of qualified personnel is therefore of central importance for the success of a company. The increasing competition for specialists and executives reinforces the role of HR management as an important interface within the company. Pure personnel management is no longer the only factor. Modern HR departments are increasingly dealing with personnel controlling as well. They provide the management with important personnel-related key figures for better decisions and the sustainable increase of the company’s profitability.

SAP SAC Core HR Dashboard Colours
SAP Human Resources Administration Software Overview-Screen

Success through professional personnel management

Personnel planning or workforce planning is a complex process in which many factors must be taken into account. Personnel development, number and qualification of employees needed in the future. The more staff a company employs, the higher the structural complexity and the greater the challenges for workforce planning. A purely Excel-based planning process quickly reaches its limits here due to the manual effort and the high susceptibility to errors.

A planning application based on BI provides a remedy: system-supported mechanisms help to reduce the susceptibility to errors and increase planning efficiency. Sensitive data is protected and access and editing authorizations can be individually restricted. At the same time, modern BI tools for the HR department are user-friendly and easy to use, without any programming knowledge at all.

Holistic personnel controlling

In addition to headcount analyses and personnel planning, holistic personnel controlling also includes analyses of remuneration development and personnel cost planning, as well as considerations of personnel capacities, absenteeism and employee qualifications. In addition, there are corresponding control measures in the areas of recruiting and talent management. Powerful business intelligence solutions enable the integration of all relevant information in a consistent environment.

They guarantee the necessary transparency, but also the security of sensitive personnel data. On this basis, they offer simulations and forecasts for data-supported personnel-relevant directional decisions in addition to observations of past and current figures. In this way, they help to avoid personnel bottlenecks and to plan capacities precisely.

Sap Analytics Cloud Performance Analytics

Optimise potential and performance

For sustainable corporate success, the potential and performance of employees must also be optimized on an ongoing basis. This requires the most accurate possible performance measurement of human resources. From recruitment to the point at which employees leave the company, BI tools compile data from various sources and prepare it in such a way that data-based decisions are also possible in the HR area.

HR managers are provided with a company-wide overview of HR-relevant costs and services. This opens up new management options. In addition, BI tools enable cross-departmental solutions so that, for example, expenditure plans from the HR department are directly taken into account in company-wide budget planning without separate internal coordination rounds.


Would you like to learn more? In our success stories, we describe concrete projects from our practice. You may recognise your company in one or the other of the initial situations – and learn right away what a solution could look like!

Alternatively: Send us a contact request, we will call you and report first-hand.

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HR & Corporate Strategy

  • HR: From personnel management to strategic partner for corporate management
  • Filling key positions with top performers
  • HR planning, budgeting and forecasting
  • Linking HR planning, recruiting process and financial controlling overhead planning

Workforce Planning

  • Strategic and operational personnel planning
  • Control of recruiting and personnel development
  • Avoidance of personnel bottlenecks through data-supported forecasts
  • Optimisation of training and recruiting measures

HR Performance Management

  • MbO (Management by Objectives)
  • Target agreements in line with corporate objectives
  • Balanced scorecard
  • Personnel cost controlling
  • Competency mapping and competency management

Human Resources Controlling

  • Headcount and full-time equivalents (FTE) e.g. by key dates, locations, cost centers
  • Personnel movements
  • Employee portfolio management
  • Talent management and employee qualification
  • Workforce capacity, time tracking and absenteeism
  • Predictive analytics on salary costs, workload and future staffing needs

Reporting and dashboarding

  • HR KPIs for HR department, middle management and board of directors
  • Visualisation of the most important key figures
  • Quantitative key figures, e.g. personnel capacities, personnel costs, fluctuation
  • Qualitative key figures, e.g. employee satisfaction, know-how, distribution
  • Reduction of administrative effort

Data aggregation and data integration

  • Single Point of Truth
  • Consolidation of existing HR data in a single platform
  • Integration of data from different systems, e.g. SAP HCM
  • Data integration from different locations
  • Restriction of authorisations down to the lowest aggregation level


In a live demo, we will show you a solution implemented by us in the HR department based on our bdg | Suite. We would be happy to discuss your specific requirements and wishes in advance.

In the live demo:

  • Insight into the architecture of a BI & EPM solution
  • How bdg customises a HR solution
  • Features that bdg has developed specifically for your industry
  • How a typical project with bdg proceeds

Just choose an appointment, you will get access to a digital meeting room – a bdg employee will be there to welcome you.

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