better together: More success through collaborative BI

Collaborative Business Intelligence solutions, or Collaborative BI for short, enable better business decisions by providing opportunities for structured collaboration and focusing on a constructive problem-solving process.


Do you want to make the best possible use of the know-how and knowledge of your employees within the framework of planning, reporting and analysis in your company? When making important decisions, do you want to be sure that you have all the relevant information at hand? Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management solutions play an important role on the way to the best possible business decisions and the greatest possible corporate success by, among other things, collating data from different sources and upstream systems and helping to extract precisely the information that is necessary and useful for decision-making. They can be further enhanced by collaborative elements.

Collaborative Business Intelligence solutions extend classic BI with collaboration tools. Thanks to the effective collaboration of all key users in the BI tool, the focus can be placed on a constructive problem-solving process within the framework of reporting, planning and analysis. This enables better decision-making and thus potentially decisive competitive advantages.


A central goal of business intelligence solutions is to transform available data into meaningful information that enables more informed and thus better business decisions. To achieve this goal, data must be further enriched based on the expertise that exists in the various departments and divisions of the company. Collaborative BI tools enable users to work together on reports and planning within the application. Thanks to collaborative features such as action tracking, commenting and shared calendars, stakeholders from different areas of a company can contribute their input and expertise to the collected data and thus significantly improve the information basis for data-driven decisions.


Collaborative Business Intelligence solutions offer companies a number of advantages. From data integration to initiative planning to commenting, the entire business controlling is done in one application. Collaborative BI enables news feeds, central file storage, the integration of a planning and reporting calendar and much more. Acceptance and release processes are also regulated on request and take place in the tool. Instead of being outsourced to emails, chat tools, etc., all communication on planning, reporting and analysis can take place directly in the BI application. This enables increased transparency and protection against loss of information.

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Would you like more information about collaborative business intelligence solutions and the possibilities they offer? Then get in touch with us. We will be happy to support you in implementing the concept in your company. 

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