Planning, budgeting, forecasting – every large company goes through this process at least once a year, often several times and usually in several departments. And then the whole thing can take a whole month – only to end up out of date, because in today’s world a month is long enough to completely change the framework conditions of your planning …
… Made easy with Jedox
You may be surprised that we always refer to Jedox as a BI and planning solution. The background is: Jedox collects the company data in a central platform, which is the classic function of a business intelligence solution – and the business planning is then fed with precisely this data. Accordingly, the most time-consuming steps in planning in Jedox, namely collecting Excel tables, are simply omitted. What remains is to distribute budgets – Jedox offers some quality-of-life features for this and to create forecasts – this can be done at the touch of a button.

Reporting & Analysing
A reporting system without a BI tool has a decisive weakness: merging the data is far too time-consuming. As a rule, individual reports from the departments are drafted in Excel – sent by e-mail or filed in a common folder and then manually merged. A good Excel system can do a lot, but the smallest error in the chain has the potential to disrupt the entire reporting process. And mistakes happen all the time, unfortunately.
Every time a number error creeps in, every time the wrong file is sent during the merge, every time an old version of the template sheets is used – ERROR! The problem has to be fixed by hand, and new errors can creep in again. Which end-of-month report is actually completed at the end of the month? Not to forget, the whole thing also has to be evaluated. Highly paid controllers and analysts pushing numbers around in Excel and comparing them line by line? Really?

Each department enters its report data in specific fields, unless they are automatically taken from previous systems. Jedox brings the data together, calculates everything – and that’s it.
The actual data is then compared to the plan data and presented in clear, individually created dashboards. The analysis can now begin, with high-quality and cleanly prepared data – at any time, at the touch of a button.
setting up Workflows
When people work together, every step can be a potential source of error. Control mechanisms for quality assurance only work if they are adhered to and carefully implemented – by no means a matter of course in the hectic daily work routine. Not only is Excel simply not made for simultaneous editing, and regularly crashes in the process, there is also no easy way to communicate.
If the colleague doesn’t read the email “please don’t touch row 234!!!” in time, it can break up the whole report and ruin many hours’ work. And onboarding new staff on fine-tuned Excel systems? Hell! Every change in the template sheet sets off a medium disaster alarm and drives your staff’s burnout scale to the limit.

working together in Jedox
Each department enters its report data in fields created for this purpose, unless they are automatically taken from previous systems. Jedox brings the data together, calculates everything –and that’s it.
Fixed editing rights, defined workflows that cannot be ignored, comment and chat function. Calendar linking, simulations, task distribution and notifications, template sheets are basically eliminated – Jedox is made for collaboration.
Integrate upstream systems
You have a S4 HANA, ERP and CRM system? We can connect it to Jedox. You use Workday, Salesforce, Oracle, Personio – an SQL database or simply an XLS/CSV system? We can connect to Jedox. MS Azure, Google BigQuery, Qlik and any cloud solution with an open API – you guessed it – we can connect to Jedox.
Even compared to other top software, Jedox has provided unparalleled powerful ETL technology with Jedox Integrator, which allows system connectivity and data integration from almost any legacy system. At bdg, we specialise in creating such integrated systems.

In a live demo, we will show you a high-quality solution based on our bdg | Suite in Jedox. We would be happy to discuss your specific requirements in advance.
In the live demo:
- Insight into the architecture of a Bi- & EPM solution.
- How bdg customises a Jedox solution
- Features that bdg has developed specifically for your industry in Jedox
- How a typical project works with bdg
Just choose an appointment, you will get access to a digital meeting room – a bdg representative will welcome you there.