Advantages of JEDOX at a glance

connecting: IBP/XP&A

Nothing works without money – reporting and planning solutions are usually first introduced in the finance department, just as performance analytics are desired particularly in the context of the P&L and balance sheet.

The underlying software concept is called FP&A (Financial Planning and Analysis). At Jedox, FP&A is only the starting point for integrated corporate planning that – in the best case – includes all departments and every step in the value chain. This means that personnel planning, sales and marketing planning and also production and delivery plans are managed on a central platform. The motto: Replace or link isolated applications, extend the planning and analysis solution in the finance area to other departments – Extended Planning and Analytics, or xP&A.

KI-BI: aIssisted™ planning

Everyone is talking about AI and machine learning – and bit by bit, the revolutionary technology is making its way into our everyday lives. Often enough, however, the results are still not very convincing. Jedox, on the other hand, has one of the few functional and helpful AI applications in the area of performance management.

It relies on proven analytical concepts such as outlier detection and value driver identification – highlighting anomalies in your data sets and trying to causally justify good performance by following the cause-and-effect chain to the value-enhancing moment and highlighting it. Packaged in a user-friendly interface, AI becomes a steady helper for your controllers.

SCALING Solution

Of course, everyone talks about scaling – this is not actually a special feature, but a basic requirement for enterprise software.

But we have learned that scaling at Jedox is something completely different.

Not only can a Jedox solution be extended to all specialist departments and serve as a central control platform for the entire company – the future vision of a maximally scaled performance management solution – with Jedox even more is possible. When implemented correctly and taking advantage of all the modelling and integration functionality, it is possible to extend a Jedox solution with controlled feedback loops and transformation logics to create a self-learning system that constantly extends and refines its own data sets.

Excel PLUS

If it looks like Excel, is operated like Excel, but runs better and crashes less than Excel – then it is Jedox …


In a live demo, we will show you a high-quality solution based on our bdg | Suite in Jedox. We would be happy to discuss your specific requirements in advance.

In the live demo:

  • Insight into the architecture of a Bi- & EPM solution.
  • How bdg customises a Jedox solution
  • Features that bdg has developed specifically for your industry in Jedox
  • How a typical project works with bdg

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