Sales & Operations Planning
Align your strategy, sales, operations and finance in a unified process – with bdg ONE | S&OP


Build your entire S&OP process on a single, collaborative platform.

S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning) is an integrated decision-making process that ensures the operational plans of single business units fit together with the overall sales and production plan of the company. The objective of an integrated S&OP process is to align all aspects of sales and production operations to better meet customer demand and achieve overall business objectives.

With bdg ONE | S&OP, we offer you the perfect basis for defining your specific S&OP process and implementing it on an integrated, consistent platform for corporate management.

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bdg ONE | S&OP is a modular best-practice solution for integrated, efficient sales and operations planning. Align production resources optimally and harmonise key operational value drivers with financial parameters. Through a single point of truth across the entire value chain, bdg ONE | S&OP enables your company to keep pace with current developments and avoid inventory gaps and overstocks.

Let us join you on your journey to synchronise your sales and demand planning with capacity and production planning across the entire supply chain!

Sales and demand planning

Sales and demand planning

Determine sales forecasts and plan the right demand.

Capacity and production planning

Capacity and production planning

Define rough-cut production and capacity plans based on the demand plan.

Supply planning

Supply planning

Get the most out of supply and inventory planning with different scenarios.


In order to offer you BI software that perfectly meets your organisation’s needs, bdg ONE | S&OP is available in Jedox and Board.

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bdg ONE | S&OP in Jedox

There’s no such thing as “impossible” – Jedox boasts a flexibility that virtually knows no limits.

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bdg ONE | S&OP in Board

Powerful, uncomplicated and easy to use without programming knowledge: that’s Board.


In a live demo, we will show you bdg’s solution in a quick virtual meeting. We will be happy to discuss your specific requirements in advance.

What to expect in the live demo:

  • Insights into the architecture of a BI & EPM solution
  • How bdg customises a BI / EPM solution
  • Features that bdg has developed specifically for your industry
  • What a project with bdg will typically look like

Simply fill out the form and choose an available timeslot. You will receive a meeting-link by e-mail.

better decisions group GmbH | Ausfuellanleitung EN

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