Imagine if you could easily extend your existing HRIS for the personnel area with personnel requirement planning and reporting at the push of a button …

Integrated People Planning:
bdg ONE | People

The planning and analysis tool for your human resources department

bdg ONE | People helps your organisation gain visibility to build high-performing teams, retain talent and make better decisions. Valuable insights along the employee lifecycle are provided at the touch of a button. Smart planning and forecasting capabilities lead to reliable forecasts of FTE and costs. HR becomes an integrated part of corporate management.

SAP SAC Core HR Dashboard Colours


bdg ONE | People is your modular best-practice solution for integrated, efficient personnel requirements planning and for comprehensive personnel analyses along the employee lifecycle – fully DSGVO-compliant. The People module can be used individually and can be supplemented with further modules and sub-modules such as Compensation and Recruiting if required. 


Are you satisfied with your Core HR system? That makes us very happy! Pre-systems of any kind can be easily connected to bdg ONE. And so that we can offer you the BI software that best suits your company’s requirements, there is bdg ONE | People in Jedox, Board and SAP SAC. 

Jedox Logo schwarz png

bdg ONE | People in Jedox

There’s no such thing as “can’t” – Jedox shines with a flexibility that knows practically no limits. 

board software logo

bdg ONE | People in Board

Powerful, uncomplicated and applicable without programming knowledge – that is Board.

better decisions group GmbH | SAP Logo

bdg ONE | People in SAC

Is SAP already in use in your company? Then bdg ONE in SAC is the perfect solution for you!


Our HR Insights offer interesting perspectives and show best practices – read and watch!

Video: 4 Grundsätze moderner Personalplanung

Ina Schwarzenberg stellt Ihnen Grundsätze einer modernen Personalplanung vor: Welche neuen Trends sollten Sie unbedingt kennen, welche Stolperfallen beachten? Welche Personalplanungstypen gibt es und wie machen Sie Ihren HR-Bereich zum fest integrierten Bestandteil der gesamten Unternehmenssteuerung?

Whitepaper: Effiziente Personalplanung mit Personio

Mit wenigen Klicks binden Sie Ihr Quellsystem Personio an bdg ONE | People in Jedox an und sind damit bereit, Ihre Personalplanung zu starten.

Whitepaper: Bessere Entscheidungen im Personalwesen

Entscheidungen im Personalwesen sind kritisch, heute mehr denn je. Wir erklären, wie Sie Ihre Entscheidungen datenbasiert begründen.

Success Story: Integrierte Personalplanung bei Enni

bdg hat die Planungs- und Reporting-Module der bdg Suite implementiert und durch die Anbindung an die bdg Suite | Finance in die Unternehmenssteuerung integriert.

Game Changing

Systemgestützte Personalplanung Blog bdg

System-supported personnel planning

System-supported personnel planning with clever BI software replaces Excel and creates clear, data-based decision-making bases in the HR department. Our HR expert Ina Schwarzenberg explains why planning tools are also the future in HR.

Systemgestützte Personalplanung Blog bdg

System-supported personnel planning

System-supported personnel planning with clever BI software replaces Excel and creates clear, data-based decision-making bases in the HR department. Our HR expert Ina Schwarzenberg explains why planning tools are also the future in HR.

Strategisches Workforce Planning - bdg insights

Strategic workforce planning | bdg

One thing is clear: professional workforce planning is crucial for business success. But in most companies, workforce planning with intelligent software is still in the planning stage itself. The time-consuming work with Excel and error-prone spreadsheet processes are often still commonplace.


In a live demo, we will show you bdg’s solution in a quick virtual meeting. We will be happy to discuss your specific requirements in advance.

What to expect in the live demo:

  • Insights into the architecture of a BI & EPM solution
  • How bdg customises a BI / EPM solution
  • Features that bdg has developed specifically for your industry
  • What a project with bdg will typically look like

Simply fill out the form and choose an available timeslot. You will receive a meeting-link by e-mail.

better decisions group GmbH | Ausfuellanleitung EN

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