Fully integrated Merchandise Planning and BI 

with N Brown

better decisions group GmbH | N.broen logo

bdg and BOARD implement an agile assortment, item retail merchandise planning and BI solution

Good planning is crucial to the company’s success, especially in the fashion apparel sector, as the reaction speed and the ability to adapt quickly to changing consumer trends is now essential. Their shift from catalogue retailing to an integrated omnichannel model has also placed new planning imperatives on the Buying and Merchandising function. The existing Excel-based legacy planning capability consequently needed to be replaced with a fast, agile, fully integrated solution. In particular, the planning process was cumbersome and labour-intensive and could not be accurately and easily rolled up to company level. Not did it adequately provide both top down and bottom up planning capability. Reporting and analysis were provided by a combination of Business Objects and Excel, requiring excessive reliance on technical and business analysts resulting in bottle necks and delays.


N Brown had managed to plan complex merchandise requirements in a spreadsheet environment with the attendant issues of delay, low productivity, poor visibility, poor accuracy and inability to roll up plans to company level. The goal was to deliver an agile, integrated retail merchandise planning, analytics and reporting suite to support optimised omni-channel operation across both fashion and general merchandise divisions. The solution also needed to enable self-service so that the user population could themselves identify and respond to changes in consumer trends without waiting for additional expert input.

Read the whole story now

And find out all about the highlights:

  • Tailor-made BOARD solution for N Brown

  • Planning cycles, visibility and decision-making at all product levels shortened and simplified

  •  Workflow ensures an appropriate level of decision-making control

  • The user-friendly GUI ensures that the user population readily adopt the solution

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better decisions group GmbH | N.broen logo

About N Brown

N Brown Group is a leading digital fashion and general merchandise retailer with 140 years of trading history. N Brown offer their customers an extensive range of products, principally clothing, footwear and homewares, through a number of power brands including Simply Be, Jacamo and JD Williams. In apparel, they are size inclusive, from 10-32 in Womenswear and S to 5XL in Menswear. This means they target and meet the needs of two significant but under-served customer groups – size 20-plus and age 50-plus. Traditionally a mail order catalogue business, N Brown now see over 60% of demand coming from online, which comes with entirely new reporting, planning and analysis requirements. In order to drive both sales and brand awareness, they also operate a small store estate in the UK, focused on key shopping areas.


Beitragsbild EOS Success Story

Lean management in monthly closing: Process automation in financial accounting EOS

The bdg and EOS project aimed to establish an integrated financial accounting system through automation and process optimization that minimizes manual effort, improves data consistency and reduces the susceptibility to errors. Since the performance management software Jedox was already in use in several corporate departments, the high flexibility of the application should also be used for this project and the new solution should be integrated into the existing application landscape.

Betragsbild Success Story NBrown

Fully integrated Merchandise Planning and BI at N Brown

Effective planning is essential for business success. This is especially true in the fashion industry, where speed of response and adaptability to ever-changing consumer trends are now essential. In addition to market realities, N Brown’s transformation from catalogue sales to an integrated omnichannel model brought with it new requirements for planning purchasing and sales. The previously Excel-based planning was therefore to be replaced by a fast, agile and fully integrated solution. The existing complex and labour-intensive planning process could only be merged at company level in a cumbersome and imprecise way.

Beitragsbild Success Story Zalando Jedox

Zalando Category Planning

The classic Excel-based planning process for merchandise planning reached its limits with the constant growth of Zalando, Europe’s largest online platform for fashion. Too time-consuming, error-prone and not very homogeneous: Merchandise planning was no longer in line with the dynamic business environment and was in danger of completely losing sight of important key factors in an overly sluggish planning process.
Zalando relied on bdg to implement a complex solution in Jedox for merchandise planning.
The result: the planning time and effort were radically reduced and the quality of the planning was significantly increased.

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